Wednesday 31 May 2023

Advice for Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists

Listen up, Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists, because I've got a hilarious newsflash for you. Your self-proclaimed Sinhala intellectuals are spreading the idea that even entertaining the notion of power sharing is like bestowing upon the Tamils a luxurious, VIP favour, all while leaving the poor Sinhalese in the dust! But what your brainiacs fail to grasp is that power sharing is not just important to the Tamils, it's actually more important to the Sinhalese. Talk about a plot twist! Sri Lanka's post-independence policy was all about making the Tamils suffer while the Sinhalese got a free pass. This tremendously backfired on your face when Tamils took up arms against discrimination. Then your brilliant plan seemed to be, "Who cares if the Sinhalese lose an eye, as long as the Tamils lose both their eyes!"But little did you know, karma had a hilarious surprise waiting for you. It turned out that your "genius" plan backfired, and the Sinhalese ended up losing both their eyes too. Ouch! That's gotta sting! Today, our beloved country is walking around with its begging bowl in hand, asking for a little help.

You had this brilliant idea: "Tamils are our sworn enemies! We must safeguard the Sinhalese nation, language and culture from them!" And guess what? The majority of Sinhalese folks just sat there, some even clapping their hands in excitement, while the Tamils faced oppression. But your master plan ended up doing the exact opposite of what you intended! Today, the economy takes a nosedive, and as a result, several hundred thousand Sinhalese dudes and dudettes pack their bags and search for greener pastures abroad. Their kids will be growing up in some far-off land, struggling to pronounce "ayubowan" or completely clueless about the awesomeness of traditional Sinhalese customs. It's like a disappearing act, poof! This is the magnificent outcome of your grand plan to bring back Sri Lanka's Sinhala-Buddhist glory! It is nothing short of enraging that any educated Sinhalese would choose to support Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists. Such individuals, in my eyes, are simply fools parading around with their degrees, devoid of any genuine education or intellect. 

Unlike our dear Sinhalese counterparts, Tamil identity, language, and culture don't rely solely on the future of Sri Lanka. Tamils aren't confined to Sri Lanka alone. They've spread their wings and made their presence known in multiple countries. We're talking about close to a million or more Tamils chilling in four nations and more than 100,000 Tamils in 16 other countries. Tamil communities can be found in approximately 180 countries. So, unlike a Sinhalese wherever a Sri Lankan Tamil goes now, their offspring have all the opportunities in the world to keep their Tamil identity intact. They've got Tamil language schools and fine arts institutes in every major country around the world, ready to keep their culture thriving.

Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists trying to turn Sri Lanka into a solely Sinhala-Buddhist nation is nothing short of a hilarious fantasy. Both the Tamils and Sinhalese have equal historical claims to call it home, you know!  Oh, and let's not forget the whopping population of approximately 2.3 million Sri Lankan Tamils within the country itself. You can't just wave a magic wand and make them disappear, no matter how hard you try. Just think about the economic powerhouses like Singapore, Malaysia, and India, where the Tamil community is recognized and valued as friends rather than enemies bringing about some pretty impressive economic outcomes. Now that's what I call a power move! They're proof that embracing diversity leads to progress. Take notes, folks!

To all, you Sinhala-Buddhist nationalists out there, go ahead and continue pushing your agendas, but let's be real here. Before you roll the dice again, maybe take a moment to consider the absurdity of the situation. Tamils have reached the point where they've got nothing to lose except their lives, while the Sinhalese have everything on the line. This is a lopsided gamble! You are just engaging in a conflict you can never win, risking everything you got. 

Any person who approaches this matter with a logical mindset and a solid understanding of world history would recognize the inherent risks and negative consequences associated with engaging in such a conflict. The potential outcomes of such a conflict are limited to two possibilities: impeding the progress of the Sinhalese community in the best-case scenario or leading to the complete collapse of Sinhalese civilization in the worst-case scenario. Innocent Sinhalese people simply desire to live in a prosperous homeland with happiness and peace. Your actions only serve to jeopardize that. 

Once upon a time, before borders became a thing, civilizations were doing their thing, chilling without any divisions. Then along came the British, leaving us with these boundaries we're all stuck with now. Back in the day, Sri Lanka was buddy-buddy with Tamil Nadu, part of the Madras Presidency of British India. Imagine if the British had just left it like that. Sri Lanka would be part of India, and both Tamils and Sinhalese would be swallowing Hindi whether we liked it or not.

Oh, I can already predict the heroic proclamation about to burst forth from your lips! "We are the proud offspring of Dutugemunu and Vijayabahu, invincibility runs through our veins!" But here's the hilarious truth: back in his day, everyone had swords and shields. Nowadays, if we were pitted against a technologically superior opponent, we'd be as helpless as a squirrel trying to outrun a cheetah!" Don't forget what happened when European colonizers came to our shores armed with fancy ships, cannons and muskets. 

Sri Lanka's independence is just a blip in history's eye. Seventy-odd years? In the grand scheme of history, that's just a blink of an eye. So, let's keep it real and remember that the world keeps turning, history has seen bigger things, my friends. Will you choose the path of reason, or will you keep pushing your luck and end up being the punchline of this tragicomedy? Only time will tell.

Hey there, my moderate Sinhalese friends, let me drop a truth bomb on you: The secret recipe for a prosperous Sri Lanka is mixing all the ingredients of power-sharing in a giant cauldron, stirring it with unity, and simmering it on the stove of cooperation. Power sharing is not synonymous with dividing a country; it does not involve giving undue preference to one group over another or promoting favouritism. Rather, it is a mechanism through which a country with diverse ethnicities can peacefully coexist, ensuring harmony and stability for all. It recognizes the importance of granting decision-making power and the ability to govern one's own life to every ethnicity, rather than solely concentrating it in the hands of the majority. In this way, power-sharing promotes inclusivity, equality, and a harmonious society.

It's time to roll up your sleeves, put on your superhero capes, and do this for our beloved motherland! If the mighty lions and fierce tigers join forces and let out a thunderous roar together, there's no stopping Sri Lanka! With our combined strength, wit, and charm, there's no challenge too big and no stage too grand for us to conquer.

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