Tuesday 14 November 2023

The Daily Struggle: Honesty and Loyalty in Life's Journey

Being honest and loyal is an ongoing battle we must continually wage. While we may boast an impressive track record of integrity and a steadfast commitment to our values in the past, a positive past track record merely signifies our ability to resist temptations and make ethical choices up to a certain point. It is never a reliable indicator of future success. It's akin to walking a tightrope; one small misstep or lapse in judgment can send us plummeting from the moral high ground into regrettable situations.

The deeply ingrained human emotions of lust, greed, jealousy, and even violence persist within us. Despite the progress of civilization over thousands of years, we have only managed to suppress them—they have not disappeared. Everything we suppress tends to resurface with greater vigor, the more we resist.

Just as we all grapple with the constant struggle to be honest and loyal, even the Buddha himself faced a final battle with Mara as he climbed the spiritual and moral ladder towards enlightenment.

In this story, as Siddhartha Gautama, who would later become the Buddha, was on the cusp of attaining enlightenment, Mara, the personification of desires and negative forces, made one last-ditch effort to distract him from his path to enlightenment. Mara unleashed a barrage of temptations, doubts, and illusions, attempting to shake Siddhartha's resolve. However, Siddhartha, with unwavering determination and a steadfast moral compass, remained focused and untouched by Mara's onslaught. In the face of such extreme vigour from his inner temptations, Siddhartha's inner strength and commitment to his values prevailed, and he achieved enlightenment.

The story of Buddha's encounter with Mara serves as a powerful illustration of the ongoing battle between our inner virtues and the deeply ingrained human emotions that reside within us. This story serves as a poignant reminder that as we climb higher on our own spiritual or moral journeys, the pressure and temptations we encounter may become more substantial and challenging. Just like Siddhartha, we, too, must be prepared for the relentless assaults of our own inner desires and weaknesses. The story underscores the importance of unwavering commitment to our values and principles, even in the face of intense inner turmoil and external temptations.

In this ever-evolving landscape of human emotions, we can only hope that, like Siddhartha, the strength of our character and the resilience of our moral compass will guide us, ensuring that we stay true to our path of integrity and loyalty.

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